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Research Opportunities

The Department of Anthropology offers the following summer research funding opportunities.

  • Franz Boas Summer Scholars
  • Michelle Z. Rosaldo Summer Field Research Grant

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Stanford undergraduates who will be returning to Stanford University to matriculate in the following autumn quarter as undergraduates or Coterminal Masters students are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to honors candidates majoring in Anthropology.

These are subject to change each academic year.

Application Process

  1. Schedule meeting with Anthropology Undergraduate SSO (Roya Aghavali royavali [at] (royavali[at]stanford[dot]edu)
  2. Review Application Checklist
  3. Fill out Application Google Form by Monday April 7, 2025


Franz Boas Summer Scholars

Michelle Z. Rosaldo Summer Field Research Grant