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CONTEXTS: Undergraduate Research Journal


Contexts is an annual publication comprised of scholarly articles and reviews (book, film, art, and event reviews) written by Stanford undergraduates in all academic fields. The mission of Contexts is to provide a forum for students to share, discuss, and reflect upon social issues in a manner that demonstrates anthropological thought and modes of inquiry. CONTEXTS is published electronically on the web, with print issues released annually. See below for current as well as previous issues of undergrad journal.

Who may submit research articles to CONTEXTS?
  • Current Stanford undergraduates who conducted research either at Stanford or elsewhere.
  • Primary authors must be undergraduate students. Recent graduates may submit manuscripts for research conducted during their undergraduate careers. Manuscripts should be submitted no more than a year after the author’s graduation.
Copyright and Publishing

Work published in CONTEXTS may be published elsewhere. However, please be conscious of other journals’ policy regarding exclusivity of rights, and keep CONTEXTS informed as to where your paper has been or may be published.

General Guidelines
  • Submit the following via email to Stanford.contexts [at] (Stanford[dot]contexts[at]gmail[dot]com):
    1. research article in .doc, .docx, or .rtf,
    2. must follow AAA Style Guide for writing & citations found at: &
    3. an abstract (~150-200 words).
    4. related images,
    5. headshot photo and a small bio of yourself stating your year, major, and a few of your academic and/or personal interests
  • Acceptable submissions need not be summaries of ongoing or past research projects. We also consider research-oriented papers from Stanford classes.
  • Article length should be ~2000-3000 words. Shorter or longer submissions are fine; editors will work with you to bring your paper to an acceptable length. Further length modification may be necessary at journal production time due to space constraints.

Contexts Journal 2023

Stanford's Undergraduate Research Journal in Anthropology

Cover of Contexts research journal

Contexts 2021 cover

Contexts 2019 cover

Contexts Journal 2018 cover

Contexts 2017 cover

Contexts 2016 cover