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Ph.D. Minor Program
University requirements for the Ph.D. minor are described in the Graduate Degrees section of the Bulletin.
To request the Ph.D. minor in Anthropology:
- Identify a Ph.D. minor advisor from the Department of Anthropology tenure-line faculty.
- Chosen advisor must provide written consent (via email) to serve as advisor for the PhD Minor.
- The Department of Anthropology requires the Ph.D. minor advisor to serve as a member on the student's Dissertation Reading Committee and University oral examination committee.
- Student must schedule meeting with chosen advisor to determine a coherent plan of study using the PhD Minor Plan of Study Form as a guide.
- Provide an approved pre-dissertation or dissertation proposal to the proposed Minor Advisor
- Chosen advisor must provide written consent (via email) to serve as advisor for the PhD Minor.
- Submit the following forms and paperwork to the department Student Services Manager for review by the Anthropology Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)
- Signed Anthropology, Ph.D. Minor Plan of Study Form
- Approved Pre-Dissertation or dissertation proposal
- Approved application for Candidacy
- Submit a University Application for Ph.D. minor, outlining a program of study approved by the major and minor departments, via Axess eForms (at the time of admission to candidacy) once the PhD minor is approved by the Anthropology DGS.
Degree Requirements:
The requirements for the Ph.D. Minor in the Department of Anthropology include the following:
- Complete 30 units of ANTHRO subject code courses at the 300 level with a minimum letter grade of ‘B’, or higher.
- Pass with a minimum grade of 'B+' in two Anthropology Theory Courses in chosen focus (Culture and Society, Archaeology or Self designed focus)
- Culture and Society
- Anthro 301 History of Anthropological Theory, Culture and Society
- Anthro 301A Foundations of Social Theory
- Archaeology
- Anthro 303 Introduction to Archaeological Thought or Anthro 303A Contemporary Debates in Archaeological Thought
- Anthro 307 Archaeological Methods
- Self Designed Focus - must have advisor consent
- Culture and Society
- Complete four department Review Courses (Review Courses are 300-level courses with an ANTHRO subject code taught by Anthropology tenure-line faculty. Each review course is 5 units and must be taken for a letter grade)
- Pass with a minimum grade of 'B+' in two Anthropology Theory Courses in chosen focus (Culture and Society, Archaeology or Self designed focus)
Units designated for the PhD minor may not be used to meet requirements for a master's degree. Directed Individual Study units are not approved for the PhD minor in Anthropology.
For more information reach out to the Anthropology Department Student Services Manager Student Services Manager