Michelle Z. Rosaldo Summer Field Research Grant

A memorial fund which will be used for an annual award to a Stanford undergraduate to aid in carrying out summer ethnographic field research. Preference will be given to projects concerning issues in feminist thought or symbolic anthropology.  Michelle Z. Rosaldo grants are awarded for field research conducted in the summer.

  • Students must work with a faculty advisor appointed in the Department of Anthropology throughout the research period
  • Must apply for an additional grant from Stanford Undergraduate Research and Independent Projects
  • Submit a non-medical human subjects protocol for approval.   
  • Grant recipients must enroll in 
    • ANTHRO 93, Pre field Research Seminar in the spring quarter before departing for the summer field research and 
    • ANTHRO 94, Post field Research Seminar in the autumn quarter after returning from the summer field research. 
  • On notification of a funding award, Rosaldo Summer Scholars must write a letter to the donor explaining briefly how their grant funds will be used and how this project will contribute to the student’s education and future goals. 

Stanford undergraduates who will be returning to Stanford University to matriculate in the following autumn quarter as undergraduates or Coterminal Masters students are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to honors candidates majoring in Anthropology.

Application Process

  1. Schedule meeting with Anthropology Undergraduate SSO (Roya Aghavali royavali [at] stanford.edu (royavali[at]stanford[dot]edu)
  2. Review Application Checklist
  3. Fill out Application Google Form by Wednesday April 10, 2024