Jaime Landinez Aceros

Field of Interest(s)
anthropology of science; science and technology studies; bioeconomy and biocapital; technoscience and peacebuilding; rural ecologies; biodiversity conservation; scientific expeditions and collections; history of biology and biotechnology in Latin America; futures; Colombia

My research explores how scientific knowledge is mobilized as a means to secure post-conflict aspirations in Colombia. I study how scientists, rural residents, and government officials produce, circulate, and use knowledge about biodiversity in regions impacted by the civil war. My dissertation research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, and the Fulbright Commission (Colombia). I hold a B.A in Sociology from National University of Colombia (with honors) and an M.A in Political Science from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá.

Prior to coming to Stanford, I was a researcher at Colombia's National Center for Historical Memory for five years.