New Faculty Publications
Check out the newest faculty publications from our department including books from Angela Garcia, Duana Fullwiley, Andrew Bauer, and Serkan Yolaçan!

(Image credit: Courtesy Cangdong Village Project)
Barbara Voss investigates migration and gender in home and diasporic villages
The Cangdong Village Project is collaborative research program studying the home villages of Chinese migrants.

20th-century artistic reproduction of a 7th-century fresco from the Ajanta caves of the Hindu king Pulikesin II receiving an envoy from the Persian king Khusru...
Serkan Yolacan collaborates on a project that opens a new inquiry in political anthropology
A collaborative project that studies two ubiquitous figures of the 21st century: strongman and informal diplomat.

Tanya Luhrmann works with researchers and fieldworkers on The Mind and Spirit project
The Mind and Spirit project asks how the local social world shapes the way people understand and experience invisible things, like gods, spirits, thoughts and mind itself.
I wanted to study anthropology because I am interested in how people make sense of their life experiences. When we pay close attention to the way that people live in the world - how society is structured, how illness is encountered, how the past lives in the present, how people tell stories about their experiences - then we emerge with a much more nuanced and rounded understanding of humanity

Unlike other disciplines, anthropology allows us to retain our embeddedness within the cultural, relational, and moral worlds that we inhabited before entering academia. I chose anthropology, then, since it allowed me to return to what was at stake in my inherited world. That is, anthropology allowed me to return to my “home” with a heightened analytical sensibility towards those systems that mediated the joys and injuries of my loved ones.

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